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A range of other relevant publications are available below. 

Hospital Caterer

Published six times a year, this colour A4 Magazine is the official journal of the Hospital Caterers Association and is distributed throughout the NHS to catering and hotel services managers at all levels. The Caterer is specifically designed to inform members of the developments taking place within the industry, new working practices, technical innovations as well as providing a practical guide to purchasing.

Contributions are welcome from members and non members - please contact Tamsyn Halm at if you have any ideas for articles or would like to see any particular topics covered in the next journal.


Healthcare Food and Beverage Service Standards – A Good Practice Guide to Ward Level Service

Healthcare Food and Beverage Service Standards – A Good Practice Guide to Ward Level Service

The Good Practice Guide provides a framework for nurses and other healthcare practitioners at all levels. It has the potential to really make a difference to the nutritional status of people when they are in hospital and has received endorsements for the following organisations click here.

Scope of the Guide

The Good Practice Guide sets out the standards that, patients, and their carers, have a right to expect from catering services in the NHS.

Good food, and the support to eat it, is considered to be an integral part of a patient’s care plan, giving them the nutrients they need to support a rapid recovery from surgery or illness. Ensuring that Food is the Best Form of Medicine and Food First Approach at all times.

The Francis Reports highlighted that nutrition and hydration are basics requirements and, as such, must form a KEY and ESSENTIAL part of the patient’s stay and recovery.

This document is designed as a ‘how to’ manual for delivering excellence in food and beverage service to patients. It promotes outstanding service from the point at which food and beverages arrive at the service area to when the meal or refreshment service is concluded.

It is aimed at all those people with responsibility for providing a food service to patients including:

  • Clinical Modern Matrons
  • Ward Sisters
  • Ward Housekeepers
  • Ward Managers
  • Ward Hostesses
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Dietitians
  • Caterers
  • Porters
  • Day Centre Managers
  • Speech & Language Therapists
  • Domestic Services

Additional copies can be purchased completing the order form, using the button below.


Retail and Commercial Service Standards – An operational guide to services

Sets out the how and tools to run a successful retail offer in the NHS, it covers the importance of offering a balanced menu to ensure staff and visitors are well nourished and hydrated. Additional copies can be purchased by completing the order form.