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A range of other relevant publications are available below. 

Hospital Caterer

Published six times a year, this colour A4 Magazine is the official journal of the Hospital Caterers Association and is distributed throughout the NHS to catering and hotel services managers at all levels. The Caterer is specifically designed to inform members of the developments taking place within the industry, new working practices, technical innovations as well as providing a practical guide to purchasing.

Contributions are welcome from members and non members - please contact Tamsyn Halm at if you have any ideas for articles or would like to see any particular topics covered in the next journal.


Allergen Toolkit for Healthcare Catering

The Hospital Caterers Association (HCA) and The Association of UK Dietitians (BDA), through its Food Counts! specialist group, have worked together to produce this toolkit that addresses food allergies/intolerances within healthcare catering settings.


Standards for food, fluid and nutritional care – Scotland

 Food, fluid and nutrition are fundamental to health and wellbeing, and therefore fundamental to quality and safety in healthcare. These standards replace the previous 'Clinical Standards for Food, Fluid and Nutritional Care in hospitals' published by NHS Quality Improvement Scotland in 2003. This document specifies a minimum set of performance criteria for food, fluid and nutritional care. The standards apply to the care of all patients, paediatric and adult, in both community health care and hospital care in Scotland, whether directly provided by an NHS board or secured on behalf of an NHS board. These standards can be used to reinforce national consistency and drive improvement in food, fluid and nutritional care across Scotland. 

Click here to see more.


Nursing Care Standards for Patient Food in Hospital – Northern Ireland

Nutrition and the meal experience are of vital importance to the patient in hospital. Not only is food necessary for life and represents a basic human right, but it is also a source of great pleasure, with important social, cultural, and religious functions all of which need consideration within a hospital setting.


Guide to the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative by Premier Foods

Welcome to the next step in our journey of assisting caterers to provide creative, tasty and inspirational recipe solutions for dysphagia sufferers that will ensure dignity in dining. In this latest guide, we aim to outline the new international dysphagia guidelines, and provide tips and advice for caterers as the industry begins to adopt the new framework.




NHS Scotland - Food in Hospitals

Eating well and enjoying food is fundamentally important for every individual’s health and wellbeing. In a hospital setting appealing food and good nutrition is more than this, here it is vitally important.

This Food in Hospitals Specification 2008 has been revised and updated to support Scottish NHS Boards in implementing:

  • the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Food, Fluid and Nutritional Care Standards specifically Standards 3, 4 and 53 ; and
  • the delivery of a healthy balanced diet for patients who are considered to be ‘nutritionally well’.

Council of Europe Resolution Food and Nutritional Care in Hospitals (10 key characteristics)

Council of Europe Resolution Food and Nutritional Care in Hospitals (10 key characteristics)

The Council of Europe Resolution contains the 10 key characteristics of good nutritional care in hospitals.